a stable base
This month we dive into the details on building a 'stable base' to maximize performance and reduce risk of stability related aches, pains, and injuries.
restoring power - knee edition
The human body is a healing machine...but what about when it stalls out? Listen to this month's presentation as we dive into a 'case study' of knee pain for one of our own team members, and see how they managed to get back on track by 'restoring power'.
charting a course
As we think about goals for the year ahead, we are encouraged to share just how much control you hold over your health trajectory. It is NEVER too late to change course, or too early to start adjusting slightly. Our team takes great pride in working with our incredible populations, and is here, ready, and honored to help if you have goals that we can support this year.
2024 in Review
We take a look in the rearview mirror at our key themes from 2024. Thank you for a wonderful year of achievements!
readying for the ramp
This month, we dive into strategies to prepare your body for the 'ramp up' that is often experienced in the final months of the year. Taking an 'ELEMENTAL approach', we cover how you can position your body to absorb the increased stress (good and bad!) that can pile up over the holiday season.
repair mode
Part 2 of a 2 Part Series
This month, we dive into a case study from one of our very own team members demonstrating the human machine in 'repair mode'. Listen in to hear how 6 months of implementing an ELEMENTS 'recipe' reversed cardiovascular risk for one of our team members...and what you can do to get started, too.
The Living Machine
Part 1 of a 2 Part Series
We often refer to the human body as 'the most amazing machine' in existence...the only one that is able to heal itself (when given the opportunity and environment to do so). This month, we dive deeper into the 'living machine' that is the human body and how our risk is MORE than mechanical in nature. By appreciating the importance of the biological (blood flow) and chemical (inflammation, irritants) influences on the human machine, we can start to peel back the complexities of our ache/pain risk and set the stage for what to DO to best position our human machine to thrive for years to come.
fourth quarter comeback- transition zones
Fatigue impacts the human movement system, and is often reaching a peak during this final season of the summer. A focus on the body's 'transition zones' can help buffer injury risk and ensure your body is primed to win the fourth quarter.
internal ecosystem
Now that we are in the thick of Summer, implementing strategies to optimize our 'internal environment' can help us ENDURE. Listen in for key principles that you can implement this summer to speed up your body's 'recharge rate'.
finding our pace
This month, we dive into the science between 'finding our pace' to endure the heat of the summer. The body is made for this, but listening to it can help us know when to 'push forward' and when to 'pull back'.
summer defense = offense
Sometimes the best defense is a good offense. This month, we are diving into things we can start doing today to build a good offense to combat the summer heat.
FUEL Hot Topics
The FUEL good pyramid is pretty simple, do what's tried & true, 80% of the time or more. Today we go into the other 20%.
recover, what we know
RECOVER is critical for future health. This month we do a refresher on one of the most powerful areas for future health.
Readiness Recipe
Getting "ready" everyday for work and life comes with MANY different routines. Maybe it's turning on the coffee pot or making a healthy breakfast. If nothing else, there's a specific routine for simple things (socks BEFORE shoes). This month we make the case for another CRITICAL part of the routine - readying the body & mind for the action of the day. MOVE, like a body should...everyday!
change in the air
There aren't many times of the year when it's common to seek out change - January is one of them. This month we dive into the approaches proven to increase the odds of success.
rules of the road
End of the year review. What did we cover in 2023?
thank you through our lens
November works well as a month focused on pausing, reflecting and saying thanks. This month we dive into how it impacts health.
fall rebuild, winter prep
It's only Oct. why are we talking about Winter already? Simple - the body needs time to change gears and ready for the season's unique stresses. Phase 1 - movement
September Stacking Winning Transitions
We get a natural fitness gain in the summer. Can you use it to your advantage and use the weather-break and return-to-normal in routines of September to your advantage? Here's how.
all the bells and whistles
There's a lot coming at us. It's literally changing our brains. This particular adaptation brings risk - more errors and likely more accidents. There are things we can do about it.
Boiling Point; In the Heat of the Summer
The heat of the summer adds risk and inches us closer to our body's threshold. This month we talk more about the threshold, what raises/lowers it, and how simple improvements in movement can make a significant difference.
top off: summer fluids
Take a deeper dive into hydration - when we need to focus on it, why we care about it, and how we go about addressing it.
heat stress is gut stress, too
For years we've told you that heat stress is heart stress...that the demands of increasing body temps stress our cardiovascular system (still true). Now we dive a little deeper, literally, into the gut biome.
under the hood
We take a look 'under the hood' of metabolic health and building efficient energy systems.
spring loaded
Early Spring is here which means change is here with it. Now is a great time of year to focus on RECOVER so we can truly Spring forward.
Winterize The Body
Winter is HERE and the body has to deal with what? Understanding the risks of a cold & slippery season is important for putting the odds in our favor!
make it stick
January is a month for "new". New slates, new goals, new habits, new resolutions. How do we make it stick? Dive in.
year in review
The year to move forward. This year we covered 3 critical concepts - this month we review them.
Move like a body should? Yes...and here's a few ways to dive deeper into knowing if you do and if not what to do about it.
Focus on Strength
October is a great month of the year to get back to getting strong. From an injury, illness and disease prevention perspective, it's one of the best tools we have and gets better with age!
View from the top
A break in the weather? Which path will you choose?
Endure the peak
Getting through hard times is not something we often look forward to, but it is something we can learn from (and get better at). This month we take inspiration from 3 amazing stories and the science that backs up their approach
Getting Through the Heat
Tactics to manage heat exposure better.
Summer Body Language
Feedback, Feedforward and the ways in which our bodies tell us we are getting a little wilted in the heat. Win the Summer!
100 Days of resilience
The Summer heat is a significant injury risk. NOW is the time to get ahead of it.
Fuel good to spring forward
April is a great time of year to "prep" the body with good Fuel. This month we talk through what to eat and the proper "dosing schedule" to get some pretty amazing results.
Shouldering the Burden
What if shoulder pain wasn't as simple as a strain or sprain? It's not. This month we dive into why.
Looking Back to Jump Forward
We look back on the information of the past to project into the future.
Back to a future of thriving
It's time we begin to shift from just surviving the world toward actually THRIVING. This month we explore some of the health power habits we can leverage to move us along.
Our wish for you
If we could give you a healthy gift this season, THIS is what it'd be.
healthy HOlidaze
Holidays can be joyous.....and stressful. Here are some ways to keep them healthy.
Yoga Starter kit
Tuning into a deliberate movement practice has benefits across the body systems. Focusing on a yoga practice can be a great step in the fall season to balance the body for the slippery season to come. Hear some of the 'why' and 'what' behind our favorites.
Elements Hacks
September is a great time of year to make an improvement in health and well-being. There are many simple tactics and approaches we can put on our side to make it easier. Here are some of our favorites.
Knee Joint Health
Keeping knee joints healthy and young can help us maintain a quality life long term. Thankfully we've learned a lot about what really drives pain in this area and how to stay ahead of it. Dive in for the details!
Low Back Health
By far the most commonly limiting area of the body. This month we unravel some of the mystery of low back pain. We break down some common myths & history, patterns to consider, and strategies to navigate a new or old flair.
Shoulder Health
Shoulder discomfort is on the rise. Over the last several months it's been the most common reason for consultation at employer clients. Dive in to learn a bit more about "why" shoulders hurt.....what they are "supposed to do", how to test them and get them back to where they need to be.
The hot part of the year is on its way.....the good news is.....we were built for this. With a few other tips/tricks/tactics we can be ready for summer in 2 weeks or less.
inflammation reset
Inflammation has been linked to a variety of diseases and disorders. Food choices can increase or decrease inflammatory load. Some of the "best diets" have this as a critical underlying premise. This month we review some of the keys and a few case studies of how people have been able to reset this.
Twisting Injury Prevention
Whether baseball, golf, gardening or work, improving weather in March often means more spinal twisting. Although known to increase risk of lower back pain, with some risk lowering steps, it doesn't have to.
Muscle Rupture Prevention
Muscle and tendon rupture are catastrophic injuries - they usually require surgery or extended rehabilitation and can keep us out of work. Understanding the risks can help us prevent this from happening.
MOVE, Deliberately
Movement is CRITICAL for health.....and fitness....and quality of life.....and even the ability to fight off cancer. But sometimes the "how to" part can get missed. Dive into the PDF for more!
The effects of cold stress on the body are a real challenge. This guide reviews tactics for enduring the cold peak & strategies to use the ELEMENTS to winterize our bodies.
Don't Just Sleep, REcover
Sleep is critical to health....but it's more than just quantity. It's also QUALITY. So the question is - are we getting enough of the good stuff? This video explores this and other related questions.
FUEL - From The Ground Up
If you want the sweetest fruit you've got to get all the way to the top of the tree. For those that are still working on building momentum, the place to start may just be FUEL.
Calculate your conditions
While there are many uncontrollable risks for pain and injury, we know certain conditions set the stage for strain. Dialing in these factors starts with first identifying where you stand.
Fatigue Proof Factors
Keys to finding a healthy groove in the heat. When "age" is less about years and more about fitness. These metrics give us a different benchmark for resisting fatigue. Test yours today.
August in Deep
Keys to finding a healthy groove in the heat. Take the fatigue self-assessment!
Beat the Heat Guide
Learn the factors behind heat stress illness, prevention, and response.