frequently asked questions

  1. Where is the tracker located? The tracker is on the "tracker page" of this website or CLICK HERE to view directly.
  2. Where are the leader boards located? Leaderboards are on the "leaderboard" page of this website or CLICK HERE to view directly.
  3. Can I put the tracker (or other) link directly on my iPhone? CLICK HERE TO VIEW ARTICLE
  4. Can I put the tracker (or other) link directly on my Android? CLICK HERE TO VIEW ARTICLE
  5. How often should I track? Ideally 1 time per day, however you can do multiple entries at one time.
  6. How are points calculated (MOVE IT)? 40% of your total points are taken from logging MOVE-minutes (exertion X time). 60% of your total is based on your fitness improvements as compared to your baseline.
  7. How are points calculated (LOSE IT)? 40% of your total points are taken from logging healthy food/water intake using the tracker. 60% of your total is based on changes in body composition (weight lost, BMI changes and body fat normalization).
  8. How are team points calculated? Team points are prorated/normalized based on the size of your team. Therefore a team of 10 will be able to compete fairly with a team of 4.
  9. What if I am not able to make a baseline or final measure? If you cannot make any locations, please reach out to and we will do our best to find a time/date where we can capture your measurements.
  10. What if I can't field a team of 4? You will be asked to merge with another team or change your players' status to "unattached".
  11. What if I have more than 10 on my roster? You will need to let go (trade?) 1 or more of your players.
  12. Can we have more than 1 captain? Yes. Although we prefer 1 point of contact, there are cases where 2 is valuable. They can be added to the captains forum. Just let us know who on that forum.
  13. What if someone is cheating? Although we STRONGLY URGE everyone to remember this effort is sponsored by an employer (meaning code of conduct and ethics applies) and therefore STRONGLY RECOMMEND staying on the good side of acceptable behavior, there is a fairly strong rule for those who may have violated the intent of the game. If an accusation is proven the violator will lose all points and restart at zero. If an accusation is inconclusive THE ACCUSER will lose all points and restart at zero. We can't urge strongly enough - remember we are having fun here, the prizes are not valuable enough to put yourself or colleagues in a bad spot.
  14. Is a team limited to the same physical reporting location? No. You can play with any NJR employee.
  15. Can I get a copy of my baseline measures? Yes. We will send you a report after the measurement phase is complete. We are also happy to review the report via phone or chat to provide insights.