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QuaranTV Day 60! Season Finale?

6.9 Call it dosing. Call it load management. Call it predictive. Whatever we decide to call it......just know that when we stay on the right side of "it", we can minimize injury, illness and disease risk. Dive a little deeper to learn how in this FINAL EPISODE of QTV Season 1

Host: Mike E.

QuaranTV Day 59 - Round 12 - Loose Ends; TRE

6.8 What is the deal with time-restricted eating? Does it actually work? How? Here's the punchline - it's not just for weight loss.

Host: Mike E.

QuaranTV Day 58 - Round 12 - Loose Ends; Stress

6.5 We all know the term....but what is stress "really" and what does it do to us? Here's a 5 min dive.

Host: Mike E.

QuaranTV Day 57 - Round 12 - Loose Ends

6.4 Where do we put heat stress? Is it a MOVE risk? Yes. Are there FUEL components? Yes. RECOVER? Yep. ENDURE? Sure. Dive in here to learn more.

Host: Mike E.

QuaranTV Day 56 - CONNECT Recap

6.3 10 rounds of CONNECT all wrapped up into 1.

Host: Mike E.

QuaranTV Day 55 - ENDURE Recap

6.2 10 Rounds of ENDURE all packed into 1 short video here.

Host: Mike E.

QuaranTV Day 54 - RECOVER Recap

6.1 10 Rounds of RECOVER packed into one video recap. Get all caught up in this fly over.

Host: Mike E.

QuaranTV Day 53 - FUEL Recap

5.29 10 Rounds of FUEL.....condensed into a few minutes.....here you go!

Host: Mike E.

QuaranTV Day 52 - MOVE Recap

5.28 With any luck.....this is the beginning of the end (no, not like that).....rater.....the world will re-open soon! With that in mind, here's 10 Rounds of MOVE.....covered in 5 minutes or less (not including the Episode 51 review).

Host: Mike E.

QuaranTV Day 51 - CONNECT Round 10 - Details

5.27 What are the most important areas to focus on if you are looking to "customize" and improve your CONNECT? In short, three ripples, "inside out".

Host: Mike E.

QuaranTV Day 50 - ENDURE Details Round 10

5.26 If you can customize your MOVE, FUEL & RECOVER....can you estimate your ENDURE? In short, so says researchers from UCLA and the Canadian Military......the answer is Yes. There's even an app for that. Check it out here.

Host: Mike E.

QuaranTV Day 49 - Round 10 RECOVER - details

5.22 Can RECOVER be dialed in and customized? Well....according to Brown University the answer is a resounding YES. It takes a little self-experimentation and won't always happen quickly but understanding exactly when to go to bed, when to get up and how best to get rest is exactly what these folks are trying to solve.

Host: Mike E.

QuaranTV Day 48 - Round 10 - Details on FUEL

5.21 Does the type of food we eat and when we eat it affect out body's stress? In short, yes. Let's dive in to learn how.

Host: Mike E.

QuaranTV Day 47 - Round 10 - MOVE down into the details

5.20 The details matter! Precision medicine is the idea that every person is unique and therefore the best ways to improve health may ALSO be unique. If this is true, can use the principle to "dial in" fitness as well? Answer is a definite maybe :) .....If we judge our MOVE needs by our RECOVER experience

Host: Mike E.

QuaranTV Day 46 - Round 9 - Micro CONNECT

5.19 Is it possible to make fast connections? Quickly establish rapport with another person? In short, the answer is Yes. Dive in here.

Host: Mike E.

QuaranTV Day 45 - Round 9 - Micro ENDURE

5.18 Is it possible to cultivate resilience in a fast way? Yes and No.....because time is of course relative. If fast is measured against a human lifespan.....well, YES, there are 4 different ways that take less than 0.2% of a typical lifespan. If "fast" is measured against a few minutes for instant results.....well, sort-of but not really. One of the fastest we could find took only 4 days......+/- 0.01% of a life if you like the math. :)

Host: Mike E.

QuaranTV Day 44 - Round 9 - Micro RECOVER

5.15 Recovery is an active process and we could be kicking it into gear almost every second of every day we wanted to.....here's how.

Host: Mike E.

QuaranTV Day 43 - Round 9 - Micro FUEL

5.14 What's the smallest amount, in the shortest window which effects the tiniest parts of "us"? Well, when it comes to FUEL.....we've got a decent place to start.

Host: Mike E.

QuaranTV Day 42 - Round 9 - Micro MOVE

5.13 With home-offices a very common thing, much of the world is doing a LOT of sitting right now. Do stretch breaks really make a difference? Short answer is YES. Long answer is, yes but.....not all are created equal.

Host: Mike E.

QuaranTV Day 41 - Round 8 - Measuring CONNECT

5.12 How can you measure your CONNECT? The short answer is, it's complicated but important. The longer answer is, the quantity, geography, quality and depth of relationships ALL factor in to our health, with the sense of "belonging" particularly important.

Host: Mike E.

QuaranTV Day 40 - Round 8 - Measuring ENDURE

5.11 Next steps on our journey to "measure". Can you measure your stress in a quick and valid way? Yes. The Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) is such a tool. If you want to see how you do, try this online tool bemindfulonline.com/test-your-stress

Host: Mike E.

QuaranTV Day 39 - Round 8 - RECOVER measures

5.8 Sleep is definitely being impacted during this crisis. For some they are getting some much needed rest. For others, they are not getting what they probably should. How can you know the difference?

Host: Mike E.

QuaranTV Day 38 - Round 8 - Score Your FUEL

5.7 What's the best way to know you're eating healthy? There are so many ways to quantify and score eating....today we dive into a few different ways.

Host: Mike E.

QuaranTV Day 37 - Round 8 - Scoring Your MOVE

5.6 With less commuting and fewer places to go, many people are getting more exercise. How do we know we are getting enough? This video explains a few ways to monitor and measure it.

Host: Mike E.

QuaranTV Day 36 - Round 7 - CONNECT

5.5 Is CONNECT just about a sensation? Feeling close? Or is there more to it. Coherence is a concept that might help us to answer this question. Dive in and learn more about how being CONNECTED can be very real even without proximity and a few ways to stimulate it.

Host: Mike E.

QuaranTV Day 35 - Round 7 - ENDURE

5.4 Tired brain? Tired body? Probably both. When it comes to tasks involving endurance, mental/cognitive fatigue matters. We're starting to understand why.

Host: Mike E.

QuaranTV Day 34 - Round 7 - RECOVER

5.1 Is it getting hot in here? Well summer is on its way.....and it comes with benefits if you dose it correctly. This might explain why.

Host: Mike E.

QuaranTV Day 33 - Round 7 - FUEL

4.30 Goldilocks and the prickly pear? It may not be how you remember hearing the story but "not too little, not too much, just right" is a critically important concept right now. In toxicology it's called "hormesis" and this episode covers how to get the effect from FUEL.

Host: Mike E.

QuaranTV Day 32 - Round 7 - MOVE Neck Deep

4.29 It's raining, it's pouring, the old man is......normalizing his blood pressure! Yep, exercise can dramatically improve some of the health risks making COVID19 particularly scary.....and doing them underwater might be even better yet. Here's why.

Host: Mike E.

QuaranTV Day 31 - Round 6 - CONNECT - Group Flow

4.28 There is something to be said for being totally immersed in an activity. They call it "flow" and it can be experienced by individuals and groups. It is powerful stuff that binds groups, teams and even entire villages. Although there is no consensus as to what the root factors are, it seems that arousal and mimicry can help!

Host: Mike E.

QuaranTV Day 30 - Round 6 - Mindset matters!

4.27 The way we see the world and the way we attend to it has MAJOR implications for our health....including this COVID19 crisis. Learn a bit how.

Host: Mike E.

QuaranTV Day 29 - Round 6 RECOVER - Ice baths?

4.24 We talked about forest bathing, what about Ice bathing? Well.....it sort of works....watch this before you try it to make sure it will work for you!

Host: Mike E.

QuaranTV Day 28 - Round 6 FUEL

4.23 The Mediterranean Diet is consistently associated with inflammatory load lowering. What exactly is it? What does it look like on the plate? This 3 min video answers it.

Host: Mike E.

QuaranTV Day 27 - EarthDay Edition

4.22 It's nature AND nurture!! Get out and bathe.....in the forest! It lowers the inflammatory load through the same pathway the Coronavirus gets in.

Host: Mike E.

QuaranTV Day 26 - MOVE to ENDURE?

4.21 Imagine if there was something you could take that would ALMOST INSTANTLY lower your COVID19 complication risk! Well, you can't "take it" but you can "make it".....get some MOVE.

Host: Mike E.

QuaranTV Day 25 - Round 5 COVID19 CONNECT

4.20 Do you generally trust people & the world around you? It seems good for your health if you can and do. Dive in here and learn more.

Host: Mike E.

QuaranTV Day 24 - Round 5 ENDURE

4.17 It can be nurtured, fostered and grown......and it's what will help us get safely to the finish line of this crisis. These 3 questions can help.

Host: Mike E.

QuaranTV Day 23 - Round 5 RECOVER

4.16 Which is the most important - getting to sleep? Staying asleep? Getting good quality sleep? Yes.

Host: Mike E.

QuaranTV Day 22 - Round 5 FUEL - Spice it up!

4.15 Spicy food eaters live longer......it's true.....partly because of the anti-inflammatory effects of certain spices. Turmeric, Cinnamon, Ginger, Coriander and more.

Host: Mike E.

QuaranTV Day 21 - Round 5 DANCING!

4.14 Need a reason to dance? Well, we are over the peak (nationally)! Need a reason to feel good about your ability to dance? Watch Mike!

Host: Mike E.

QuaranTV Day 20 - Round 4 COVID19 on CONNECT

4.13 Community Matters! This is especially true right now. HOWEVER, not all community is created equally. The culture (content AND context) of the community you keep can play a major influence in your future health.

Host: Mike E.

QuaranTV Day 19 - Round 4 COVID19 on ENDURE

4.10 Does meditation lower stress enough to lower inflammation markers? Yes. Particular types, such as those that help us to "be in the moment" appear to work well, especially for those with higher baseline levels of inflammation and for men more than women. This video dives in deeper youtu.be/7kblkFJmriM?t=1553

Host: Mike E.

QuaranTV Day 18 - Round 4 COVID19 on RECOVER

4.9 Sleep duration is important. Sleep quality (enough of each phase) is important. What about sleep CONSISTENCY - is that important too? Yes. Esp as it relates to the inflammation risk.

Host: Mike E.

QuaranTV Day 17 - Round 4 COVID19 on FUEL

4.8 If COVID19 is an inflammatory storm, can you FUEL your way to lower inflammation? Yes. What you chose to put in matters....even after 1 single meal.

Host: Mike E.

QuaranTV Day 16 - Round 4 COVID19 on the MOVE

4.7 Now that we know COVID19 targets a specific cell membrane enzyme AND exercise is known to increase that enzyme should we continue exercising? If so, how much?

Host: Mike E.

QuaranTV Day 15 - CONNECT, Round 3

4.6 What do move, fuel, recover, and endure have to do with connecting dots to understand illness? Everything... which includes wearing a crown.

Host: Mike E.

QuaranTV Day 14 - ENDURE, Round 3

4.3 What's the difference between "isolation" and "solitude" - in addition to how we personally view it, a TON when it comes to the health benefits.

Host: Mike E.

QuaranTV Day 13 - RECOVER, Round 3

4.2 Lucky number 13 is all about the beats......yep, music can help you RECOVER.....dive in to learn more.

Host: Mike E.

QuaranTV Day 12 - FUEL, Round 3

4.1 Wait, we have TWO brains? And they talk to each other? And they like sauerkraut? Sort of. Watch....and then make your own.

Host: Mike E.

QuaranTV Day11 - MOVE, Round 3

3.31 Can you dribble 2 basketballs while standing on a balance board? Get your body AND your brain involved and get better focus!

Host: Mike E.

QuaranTV Day 10: CONNECT

3.30 Outward facing behavior, keeping the "good of the whole" in mind, is both good for society and for us personally. With a projected peak in the next 2 weeks across the US now is a great time to take care of everyone by taking care of ourselves (and staying healthy enough to NOT need critical hospital beds).

Host: Mike E.

QuaranTV Day 9: Endure (Round 2)

3.27 Need some boost to your resiliency? Aim higher.

Host: Mike E.

QuaranTV Day 8: Laughter Therapy

3.26 They say laughter is the best medicine.....not sure if it's the "best"....but it definitely can make a difference in health. Try it!

Host: Mike E.

QuaranTV Day 7: Orange is the New Blue

3.25 Now is the time to get your orange.....through your food and from the sun....here's why.

Host: Mike E.

QuaranTV Day 6: The Routine/ Experiment Balance

3.24. If your brain feels a bit scrambled right now you're not alone. Build a routine streak or experiment a little, both can be helpful getting through this.

Here's the example recipe: White Bean, Sweet Potato and Kale Soup

Host: Mike E.

QuaranTV Day 5: CONNECT

3.23. Can the diversity of your social relationships predict your susceptibility for viral infection? The short answer is Yes.

Host: Mike E.

QuaranTV Day 4: ENDURE

3.20. In the midst of crisis, resilience, grit and "anti-fragility" MIGHT just be the most important ELEMENT of them all.

Host: Mike E.

QuaranTV Day 3: RECOVER

3.19. Sleep and the immune system.....get your zzzzz.....

Host: Mike E.

Click on the video to watch and share this link with a coworker>>https://vimeo.com/398930585/3f4babee80

QuaranTV Day 2: FUEL

Can what you eat and how much make a difference as to the inflammation & immune response? Yes.

Click on the video to watch and share this link with a coworker >> https://vimeo.com/398576671/051b179a0d

QuaranTV Day 1: MOVE

MOVE to boost your immune system

Host: Mike E.

Click on the video to watch and share this link with a coworker >> https://vimeo.com/398312754/a32e52a662

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